Bite-sized Nuggets for the Nigerian Youths

Got a skill to share? A hack to change the game? We're looking for short, impactful videos (under 5 minutes!) that can empower young Nigerians across all kinds of topics:

    Business & Entrepreneurship: Share your startup secrets, funding hacks, or networking tips.
    Tech & Innovation: Demystify coding, showcase futuristic gadgets, or spark creativity with DIY projects.
    Life Skills & Personal Development: Teach us essential time management tricks, confidence-boosting hacks, or healthy habits that stick.
    Career & Success: Help young learners craft winning resumes, ace interviews, or find their dream careers.
    Motivational & Inspirational: Share your journey, overcome challenges with us, or unleash the power of positive thinking.
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    Fill out the submission form on our website.Keep your video short and sweet – under 5-10 minutes is golden!Focus on one clear message or actionable insight.Get creative! Animations, interviews, explainers – let your personality shine.Don't forget to add a killer intro and outro with your name and topic.Ready to become a NiYA Bites contributor and inspire a generation? 


Nuggets of Wisdom

Life After University

NiYA Bites with Amu Ogbeide

 All Na Packaging

NiYA Bites with Big Paul


  • What are NiYA Bites?

    NiYA Bites are short, engaging video clips offering bite-sized knowledge and inspiration on various topics relevant to young Nigerians.

  • Who creates NiYA Bites? 

    Passionate individuals like YOU! We welcome anyone with knowledge and creativity to submit their own videos.

  • What kind of content can I submit for NiYA Bites?

    Share your expertise on business, tech, life skills, personal development, career tips, motivational stories – anything that inspires young Nigerians!

  • How long should my NiYA Bite be?

    Keep it short and sweet! Aim for under 5-15 minutes to capture attention and deliver a clear message.

  • Can I earn anything for my NiYA Bite? 

    While we don't currently offer monetary compensation, your featured video will reach thousands of young Nigerians, giving you exposure and recognition.

  • How can I stay updated on new NiYA Bites?

    Follow us on social media, subscribe to our newsletter, or check the NiYA Bites section regularly for fresh content!