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See trailers from some of our courses. Our instructors come from all over the world, and a lot of them are teaching online for the first time. Join us and make history as we build the largest collection of Online Courses for the Nigerian Youth.
The Role of Storytelling in Shaping National Narrative
WithMaryam Bukar Hassan (Alhanislam)
The Bee-Keeping Course - From Honey to Money
With Oluwaseun Johnson
Shoe Making Course - Female and Male
With Sharon Felix Amenze
Pottery for Beginners - Learn, Create, Earn
With Abubakar Awwal Gaddafi
Mindset Mastery Masterclass
WithCoach Naomi Osemedua (PhD)
Design and Earn - A Course on Graphics Design
With Toby Don-Pedro and Team
Video Production 101 - Bringing Ideas to Camera
With SSM Creative Crew
Hacking the GreatInstagram Algorithm
With Joy Sani